Nusa Island Retreat now using our waterless composting toilets

Nusa Island Retreat is an island playground that’s right in the middle of paradise. Located on Nusa island in the subtropical region north of Papua New Guinea, it’s a remote and beautiful part of the world.

Given that the resort is located on an island and it’s fairly isolated, a sustainable and easily manageable toilet system for their cabins was a necessary requirement when researching environmentally friendly toilets.

Nusa Island Retreat approached Clivus Multrum with their requirements. The toilets had to be:

  • Environmentally friendly
  • Easy to maintain
  • Didn’t pose any risk to groundwater
  • Didn’t smell or breakdown
  • Looked aesthetically pleasing to fit in with the resort’s decor
  • Waterless

After talking with a few different waterless toilet system companies, the Nusa Island Retreat decided on us for their composting toilet systems for their cabins.

Wednesday, 07 July 2021 03:53

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